GICASTART is an innovative start-up born in 2015 from an intuition of Giovanni Cassata, who devised a new technique for pneumoperitoneum induction in laparoscopic surgery. In 2017, the European patent EP2956193 was issued by the EPO.Giovanni Cassata, veterinary surgeon, has been dealing with experimental surgery on an animal model for over 15 years, has organized over 50 training courses, in collaboration with the main national surgery units, in this context the idea was born thanks to the possibility of comparison and knowledge of the different schools regarding pneumoperitoneum induction techniques.


  • Prof. A. Agrusa-“Policlinico P. Giaccone” Palermo
  • Prof. P. Marchesa-“A.R.N.A.S. Ospedali Civico Di Cristina Benfratelli” Palermo
  • Prof. V. Mandalà General Surgery – Palermo